More information
Name: Maximiliaan
Land: The Netherlands
Stad: Amsterdam
Telefoon: +31 (0) 6 5374 0356


For over fifteen years Maximiliaan Winkelhuis has been active as a management coach and communication & leadership trainer.  He is a well-experienced support for professionals in the business world, the media, the politics, the government and the world of dance.

From his ‘first’ career as a senior communication specialist at leading advertising agencies he transformed into a sought-after coach and trainer in the field of communication styles and leadership. Through the years he added new experiences to his pile. He took a three year study-program in Transformation Psychology at the Dutch Institute for Transformation Psychology and he engaged himself in a two year mentoring program with Shakti Gawain on Hawaii. He completed both studies with three intensives from Hal & Sidra Stone Ph.D. in the USA.

He worked intensively with dancers and published two successful coaching books for these professionals called “Dance to your maximum” and “Dance without stress” which has been translated into Russian, Chinese and Korean.

Maximiliaan created the “Personality Styles Card Deck”, an easy to comprehend coaching tool based on the Enneagram which he uses frequently in his management coaching sessions and workshops.

Management coaching can support you in having a neutral sparring partner. Or help you to make a success of a new job or an advancement. And there are endless other subject matters. The subject matters we often coach on are for instance: brainstorming, change management, charisma & authority, communication styles, company strategies, creativity, decision making, deepening, delegating, evaluating, giving feedback, giving presentations, inspiration, leadership, meaningfulness, mirroring, mission & vision development, motivation, new job, negotiating, personal effectiveness, personal growth, professionalization, self-management, stress behaviour, stress handling, starting a company, taking initiatives, teambuilding and time management.

Performance coaching spends specific attention at the working of the communication process, the role of the sender, handling stress during giving presentations, elements of charisma and authority as well as strategic preparations (on content, form as well as psychological preparations).

A selection of our coaching methods and approaches: asking questions, breathing techniques, clearing, company constellations, concentration techniques, conflict handling, confronting, conversation interventions, core quadrants, creative visualisation, diary method, discussions, energetic linkage, enneagram, evaluating, family constellations, feedback, focussing, guided discovery, informing, personality style card game, life scripts, presentation techniques, role play, stress testing, Transactional Analysis, voice empowerment and Voice Dialogue.

Maximiliaan works closely together with his colleagues Titia Mulders, Paul van ’t Veld, Henriette Warendorf, Petra Stienen and Ruud Vermeij.

Maximiliaan has offices in Amsterdam and in Broek in Waterland, The Netherlands. He also travels the world to lecture and to coach. Maximiliaan offers Skype sessions to his clients who live and work abroad.