Country: United Kingdom
City: Hampshire
Telephone: +44 7765012950


I have had over 30 years experience as a Voice Dialogue facilitator and I am available for individual Voice Dialogue sessions and for teaching training groups in the UK.  I blend Voice Dialogue and the dream process in my work with clients in my private practice.

In addition I am a licensed Homeopath and trained Acupuncturist with offices in Central London and Hampshire.
As an added area of experience, I am a managing partner in a property management firm; this gives me an appreciation of the challenges faced by people in business.

I have worked in the National Health Service, taught Homeopathy at the University of Westminster, and introduced into the continuing professional development program lectures on Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of the Selves.

Books  published
  • 1996 Homeopathy for Children  Authors: Pinto and Feldman (in 13 languages).
  • Voice Dialogue Anthology (Chapter on Homeopathy and Voice Dialogue).